
Hello World! Thank you so much for checking out my blog. My name is Christie Zahner, I’m 28 and I’m a single mom. I’ve had a really hard time with the title “Single Mom” for quite a while but I find the Lord inviting me into a place of peace and even confidence knowing that I have the power to change the stigma in this title. So thats my intention in this blog. To use it as a platform for breaking the lies off of single moms who read this. The lies that say that she’s not enough or that she’s too much or that because she’s a single mom that it must mean that she’s desperate for a husband or even that she’s a victim in some way. The truth is we’re powerful. We’re strong. We have everything it takes to do this. And God picked us each individually to be the exact parent that our children need. No one else. We are the perfect woman for the job. We are not alone, He is with us guiding and helping us every step of the way.

Love you big time,


PS: If you have any questions or want me to touch on a specific topic please click the contact me. I would love to hear what you have to say.